COC Statement on Academic Integrity
and Plagiarism
Approved by Academic
Senate in May, 2010
Students are expected to do their own work as assigned. At College of the Canyons, we believe that academic integrity and honesty are some of the most important qualities college students need to develop and maintain. To facilitate a culture of academic integrity, College of the Canyons has defined plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Due process procedures have been established when plagiarism or academic dishonesty is suspected.
At COC, we define plagiarism as follows: Plagiarism is the submission of someone else’s work or ideas as one’s own, without adequate attribution. When a student submits work for a class assignment that includes the words, ideas or data of others, without acknowledging the source of the information through complete, accurate, and specific references, plagiarism is involved. This may include dual submissions of a similar work for credit for more than one class, without the current instructor’s knowledge and approval.
To be specific, below are some of the situations that will be considered plagiarism at COC:
information from any source, online or in print, in one’s own writing without acknowledging the source in the
content and in the reference page of the assignment;
list the sources in the reference page, without parenthetical citations in the
body of the essay;
more than one printed line of words consecutively from the source without
putting quotation marks around them, even though the student has put the
author’s name in the parentheses or in the reference page;
in work done for other classes, regardless how big or small the assignment may
be, without the current instructor’s approval—this is considered
“self-plagiarism,” which is a form of academic dishonesty; or,
in work by another student, even by accident.
In addition, COC has strict rules against using electronic devices during exams without the instructor’s approval. To be specific, absolutely no cell phones or any electronic devices can be on the desk or in sight during test or exam without the instructor’s approval. The presence of electronic devices in sight during exams may be considered as intention to cheat and will be processed as a form of academic dishonesty.
of alleged academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism or cheating, will be
referred to the Dean of Student Services for investigation. See your syllabus
for course specific policies, rules, and guidelines on plagiarism and academic